1. MetCirc::compartmentTissue
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'compartmentTissue'
  2. MetCirc::convertExampleDF
    Example data for 'MetCirc': convertExampleDF
  3. MetCirc::msp2spectra
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'msp2spectra'
  4. MetCirc::sd01_outputXCMS
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'sd01_outputXCMS'
  5. MetCirc::sd02_deconvoluted
    Example data for 'MetCirc': sd02_deconvoluted
  6. MetCirc::similarityMat
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'similarityMat'
    matrix|259 x 259
  7. MetCirc::sps_tissue
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'sps_tissue'
  8. MetCirc::tissue
    Example data for 'MetCirc': 'tissue'
  9. MetNet::mat_test
    Example data for 'MetNet': unit tests
  10. MetNet::mat_test_z
    Example data for 'MetNet': unit tests
  11. MetNet::peaklist
    Example data for 'MetNet': data input
  12. MetNet::sps_sub
    Spectra data to test addSpectralSimilarity
  13. MetNet::x_annotation
    Example annotation for 'MetNet': data input
  14. MetNet::x_test
    Example data for 'MetNet': data input
  15. MsQuality::meta
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  16. MsQuality::msexp_hilic
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  17. MsQuality::msexp_rplc
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  18. MsQuality::sps_hilic
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  19. MsQuality::sps_rplc
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)
  20. MsQuality::vals
    Example data for 'MsQuality': data set of Lee et al. (2019)